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Cosmetic Medical Chemical Peeling & Skin Care Module

This course takes the student into advanced levels of skin care for rejuvenation, resurfacing the skin, and much more. The study includes the most widely used cosmetic medical chemical peelings from enzymes to acids & retinols for epidermal skin resurfacing. This course also covers the epidermis & dermis in detail, so the learner will gain a better understanding of how these layers of skin regenerate and how they can be improved through specific treatments with chemical peels and proper home care, provide customized or complementary treatments that can be applied within the medical aesthetics or cosmetic medical fields in a salon, spa or medical clinic. This course is divided into theory and clinical practice.

Students receive certification with a successful completion.

This program has been approved by the registrar of the Private Training Institutions Branch (PTIB) of the Ministry of Advanced Education, Skills & Training.

chemical peel

Course Duration: 21 Hours

Some of the theory subject areas you can expect to cover in class:

  • Learn about various types of professional peelings: enzymes to acids & retinols.
  • The epidermis, dermis, skin resurfacing & skin rejuvenation.
  • Exfoliation.
  • Indications for treatment, contra-indications.
  • Customizing chemical peel treatments.
  • Maintenance & Home Care Treatments with cosmeceuticals.
  • Final written exam at end of the course.
clinical at all laser body corp


  • Demonstrations: application of various types of chemical peels.
  • Perform applications with various chemical peels.
  • Final clinical assessment of your application skill at the end of the course

For more information and to get enrolled at our school today, do not hesitate to contact our office at 604-773-7515 for a complimentary consultation!



Registration: $196.00
Supplies: $420.00
Tuition: $1,300.00

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